Dr. Rick Warren will present President George W. Bush with the first “International Medal of PEACE” from the Global PEACE Coalition in recognition of his unprecedented contribution to the fight against HIV/AIDS and other diseases during the Saddleback Civil Forum on Global Health, to be held at the Newseum in Washington, D.C. on World AIDS Day, Dec. 1.
This is not from the Onion, so I hed to find out a bit more about this "Global PEACE Coalition. That sent me here where I found out what they think PEACE stands for. Promote reconciliation Equip leaders Assist the poor Care for the sick Educate the next generation Now how W fills ANY of those roles I have no idea, especially if you consider the specifics of what they note (HIV/AIDS) where W's insistence on abstinence only education and funding may very well have caused increases in the spread of it. But hey, if it fits their religious agenda... I'll just have to make sure not to have sex with fundamentalists, they're going to be the ones with the AIDS. |