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RE: Linksys DOS vulnerability still exists after two years


RE: Linksys DOS vulnerability still exists after two years
by Decius at 8:05 pm EST, Nov 6, 2008

Dagmar wrote:
It's amazing how damn lazy vendors can actually be sometimes.

Two years ago in the midst of some other things, it was discovered that quite a few home network routers (Linksys included) would fail when presented with a DCC request involving bogus port numbers, which would result in an immediate disconnection of the session in use by a user's IRC client.

Relatively simple to fix, or so you'd think.

Today I've learned that even the latest firmware for the WRT54G2 is still vulnerable despite it being impossible to miss that this issue has been around for over two years now.

This despite the fact that the firmware is 1.0.01, build three, and was released on Apr 29, 2008.

Damn dude. What percentage of their customers do you think use IRC? What percentage of their customers do you think have heard of IRC? What percentage of their customers do you think can spell IRC? This many.

RE: Linksys DOS vulnerability still exists after two years

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