Mike the Usurper wrote: Considering the participants in this case live a few blocks over, I'll give you an entirely different take. The county prosecutor should have handled this the same way they would have had this happened in a local park. This would fall under some variety of child endangerment. It wasn't done that way because it happened on the internet and oooohhhh... that's a big place. Bullshit. She knew exactly what she was doing, and tried to fuck with the neighbor kid's head because her kid wasn't popular enough. Well she succeeded and the neighbor kid is dead. This isn't ex-post facto, this is an adult knowing damn well what she was doing, and there are laws on the books that cover it, they just don't say "internet" because the laws were written decades ago.
This is important. If you're elected, in theory, you could work on legislation related to this. What laws are on the books that would have covered this if they were meeting in a park? Why does the use of the internet make them inapplicable to this situation? If we had a good understanding of exactly what she should have been charged with and why she can't be charged with it, than we know exactly what ought to be done. RE: Former Justice Dept. Prosecutor Joins Defense in MySpace Suicide Case | Threat Level |