Mike the Usurper wrote: The owner of a firm that the California Republican Party hired to register tens of thousands of voters this year was arrested in Ontario over the weekend on suspicion of voter registration fraud.
Yes Virginia, there is voter fraud, it's just that it is being committed by the people who keep screaming "VOTER FRAUD!"
Agreed, there are some very unscrupulous people committing voter fraud. However to insinuate that it is only on the far right is irresponsible. Fraud happens in all walks of life, and is a crime. The problem isn't so much the voter fraud, it's the voting SYSTEM in the US. Electronic voting simply identified major issues with the election system in the US, and little is being done to fix the issues. Instead, people are pointing the fingers at everyone else, using these problems to their own benefit, and yes, in minor cases like this, using the loopholes to pad votes. We need to find methods to get our elected (wrongfully or not) officials to fix the problems with our voting system, increasing the penalties on illegal voting (can you say terrorist act?), and making it a more respectable system. -- dc0de |