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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Study: Women Sex Problems Overestimated. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Study: Women Sex Problems Overestimated
by Elonka at 5:10 pm EST, Jan 20, 2003

] A new study suggests sex researchers have been
] overestimating the prevalence of sexual problems in women
] for years -- perhaps because they have been looking
] at things from a man's point of view.

I do have to admit that sometimes I get tired of having to explain, over and over, that some women do not necessarily *have* to have an orgasm in order to still enjoy sex. There's an additional dirty little secret out there too: There are some guys who say the same thing! I've met many men who, once they're encouraged to talk about their sexuality, say that they too are sometimes perfectly happy to have sex without having an orgasm. Is this sexual dysfunction, or normal human variation? I believe the latter. Ultimately, I believe that the key to happiness in bed is to realize that different people like different things, and that these likes can change from day to day, so there's no one "right" way to do it, despite what the prevailing wisdom out there is on what people's sex lives "should" be like. My advice for any couple that wants a fulfilling sex life? Don't rely solely on statistics or the opinions of the sex therapists -- go talk to your partner, and figure out what makes the two of you happiest, and then if you're both content, don't worry about what "normal" is. Communicate, communicate, communicate. :)

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