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RE: The Uniqueness Of What Works - ErosBlog: The Sex Blog


RE: The Uniqueness Of What Works - ErosBlog: The Sex Blog
by ubernoir at 4:14 pm EDT, Sep 25, 2008

flynn23 wrote:

ubernoir wrote:

People, real people even more so than scripted people, are willing and able to make the most astonishing compromises and bargains physical, emotional, financial in order to get the love, affection, validation and, yes, sex! that they need.

I think it IS a deep and (well, maybe not) original insight. This explains 99.9% of human behavior. The other .1% is explainable by virtue of people having NOT gotten the love, affection, validation and, yes, sex! that they need and how they'll act out because of it.

*nods sadly*

RE: The Uniqueness Of What Works - ErosBlog: The Sex Blog

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