Update: Some unknown individual (really and for true) reposted my original criticism of the twincities.indymedia.org coverage, as well as a snippet of what amount to the rules governing "moderation" of Indymedia coverage. Guess what? Silently deleting content isn't allowed. Whether or not the mysterious deleter strikes again will basically dictate whether or not I drop some emails to the core of the IndyMedia Collective asking that they look into the sort of censorship that was taking place, as well as whether or not there was any impartiality going on. Oh, and before anyone gets any crazy ideas, I'm an "anarchist" of the stripe that believes that people should be able to self-govern, which means we expect people to be civil, decent, and constructive people because otherwise we'd just be a bunch of animals. I'd be an ass to expect other people to behave better than I expect myself to behave, and I expect a lot of civility out of me, thanks. (Translation: I R NOT BOMB THROWING NUTJOB KTHXBAI) RE: Statement to "Indymedia" |