Dolemite wrote: ] jessica wrote: ] ] ] I have a wonderful solution for people who a) don't want to ] ] use condoms, b)who still want to prevent AIDS and STD's, and ] ] ] c) who don't want to give up sex: Only fuck virgins. ] ] That's what turned AIDS into such an epidemic in South Africa, ] though. It became a mystical/whatever belief among those ] living in the ghettos that if you had AIDS, you could get rid ] of it by fucking a virgin. Next thing you know every poor ] young girl has AIDS. ] ] I do happen to feel, though, that the anti-condom, ] abstinence-only education is the second most laughable thing ] I've ever heard. Right behind the AIDS cure from fucking ] virgins. That one is almost too sad to believe, but ] unfortunately, it's true. ] ] Dolemite I was not aware that my flip comment was actually in practice. That's incredibly sad. RE: The Secret War on Condoms |