VoIP is fun! Jump-start your kid’s school routine with a special greeting from Hannah Montana™. It’s back-to-school time. You know what that means—new clothes, new school supplies and a whole new school year. That’s why Wal-Mart wants to help you bring a smile to your young superstar with a surprise pre-recorded greeting from Hannah Montana™.
Ideas? Opening a web-to-phone system to the public without authentication or constraints may be fun — but it’s also ripe for abuse. Without authentication of the sender, users are free to enter any source phone number they want, making it look like the calls are coming from someone else. There’s no opt-out mechanism or audit trail. Even attempts to constrain the system can be circumvented: You can change the recipient’s time zone and wake them up in the middle of the night, or back-date the wake-up call to have it placed immediately.
Now, remember Paul Graham: Don't just not be evil. Be good.