Having now seen a lot more data on microstamping and how it works, I don't have any issues with it as an addition to current rules. In may not be consistently reliable (double strikes), is defeatable with some work (manhandling the firing pin), and could cause some issues with potential false positive based on "range brass (stolen cartridges)," but the costs are negligible (under $10), it does not have any effect on the handload/reload community, has no 2nd Amendment issues, and the potential gains for tracking illegal are real. As this is something that will be required by California as of 2010, manufacturers should have this capability either online now or coming online shortly, so this is not a retooling process, merely an extension of something they will already be doing. Just as the 1st Amendment says there is a right to free speech, the 2nd Amendment says there is a right to bear arms. Neither of those is unlimited. You can't yell "fire" in a crowded movie theater, nor can you carry a .45 on an airplane. The Supreme Court has further decided you can have time, place, and manner restrictions on speech. I don't see microstamping anywhere near as infringing as those are, and those already exist. RE: Microstamping and Serialization | Slinging Lead...downrange... |