flynn23 wrote: But is that enough? A gun is a tool, yes. But think of how many people injure themselves on a saw? Or how manufacturers HAVE to provide big bold stickers to make sure that you don't bring your toaster into the bath with you! It's one thing to electrocute yourself from stupidity, but another to endanger many others with a tool explicitly designed to kill someone. I think the idea of "everyone's armed" is a deterrent, but the level of stupidity and the value of life are moving disproportionately to each other.
Interesting observation, but isn't that the problem with freedom in general? We have the freedom to do great things and become successful individuals, but that same freedom also allows corruption, ignorance, apathy, carelessness, stupidity, etc. The problem isn't the system, it's the people who make up our society. There's no way to make rights (or our system as a whole) idiot-proof, but on the whole, we could be much better citizens than we are. The people have to want their society to work, or it won't. No matter how many laws we enact, I don't think a free society can function unless we, as individuals, can handle our own freedom. Children should be raised to become responsible and self-reliant, as well as ethical and moral, adults. We have to expect and demand a certain level of competence and responsibility from ourselves and each other in order for freedom to work. Unfortunately, I see our society moving in the opposite direction. We expect less from individuals. We expect more from government. We blame everyone and everything but ourselves for our problems. Too many individuals want handouts, and too few want to take control of their own lives. We won't let people (including corporations) fail when they should, and we persecute those who succeed. And, as you mentioned, "the level of stupidity and the value of life are moving disproportionately to each other." If people aren't taught the responsibilities that go with freedom when they're growing up, how can we expect them to grasp the concept of responsibility as adults? How can we expect people to appreciate the freedoms they have when they think they're entitled to everything? We're becoming a nation of spoiled, irresponsible brats. We can't be perfect, but we should at least want to be independent and responsible, if nothing else. I don't think the answer is to curb rights and freedoms, but to encourage, expect, and demand more responsibility on behalf of our fellow citizens. Hmm… I didn't intend for that reply to have such a preachy tone. Oh, well, it's July 4. ;) RE: Guns for Safety? Dream On, Scalia. - |