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RE: Guns for Safety? Dream On, Scalia. -


RE: Guns for Safety? Dream On, Scalia. -
by flynn23 at 12:50 am EDT, Jul 1, 2008

dc0de wrote:

flynn23 wrote:
[snip]... It's just unnerving that many deaths are reported in the household by the homeowners own weapons as well. Something's not right there.


I agree whole heartedly.

I'm all in favor of training people how to treat, handle, protect, and secure firearms properly. In fact, I'm re-joining the NRA simply to obtain their "Firearms Instructor" Certification, so that I can provide my knowledge to those who need it.

But is that enough? A gun is a tool, yes. But think of how many people injure themselves on a saw? Or how manufacturers HAVE to provide big bold stickers to make sure that you don't bring your toaster into the bath with you! It's one thing to electrocute yourself from stupidity, but another to endanger many others with a tool explicitly designed to kill someone.

I think the idea of "everyone's armed" is a deterrent, but the level of stupidity and the value of life are moving disproportionately to each other.

RE: Guns for Safety? Dream On, Scalia. -

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