Stefanie wrote: The flip side of your question is "Where do the limitations end?" What many refer to as "common sense" and "reasonable" restrictions on our rights are often anything but reasonable (D.C. v. Heller). Runaway restrictions could end up being more dangerous than runaway freedoms.
That's made me reconsider it quite a bit. I'm more on the err on the side of freedom than on the side of restriction. I agree that rights should be extended rather than limited. It's just that we're such a violent society already, and that freedom and provision is not being used as intended. How do you modify the 2nd Amendment to do what it was really put in place to do? Which, to me is, make the government truly accountable for all that it does. I don't have an answer. But I feel like given the last 8 years, this should be a serious consideration. I'm not to the point where I think this administration should be guillotined, but I'm pretty damn close given the evidence so far. RE: Guns for Safety? Dream On, Scalia. - |