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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Hillary Clinton Supporter: “Tim Russert Should be Shot” « Wake Up America. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Hillary Clinton Supporter: “Tim Russert Should be Shot” « Wake Up America
by Shannon at 5:14 pm EDT, Jun 17, 2008

Now her campaign appears to be in damage control as Hillary’s top advisers held a conference call with supporters to try and help them to keep their chins up.
 One caller in the conference had this to say about Tim Russert:
Another said Russert “should be shot,” before quickly adding that she shouldn’t say that on a conference call.
 Nice, huh? I thought having debates was about asking candidates tough questions on the issues so that you could find out where they stand. But evidently you are not supposed to ask Hillary any tough questions, or any other Democrat for that matter. God forbid we actually found out where she stands on an issue. I know where she stands, and there is a fence involved. Russert tried to nail her down and get her to come off that fence, but she didn’t and now he is the one who is being attacked. This is typical of the Clinton smear machine.
 Russert better watch his back now that a supporter has said he should be shot, because he just might be shot.

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