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RE: Is possibly noteworthy possibly a bot?


RE: Is possibly noteworthy possibly a bot?
by flynn23 at 3:11 pm EDT, Jun 13, 2008

Jello wrote:

flynn23 wrote:
Um, I would venture to guess that 90% of the articles on Memestreams are generated by this user. If this is indeed a human, I'd like to know what they do for a living, other than read articles online and post them on Memestreams. I check the site almost daily and there's absolutely no way I could ever read the amount of material generated by this user. Much less absorb it, comment on it, and pontificate about it. What's up?

I always assumed he was a grad student.

Either the most prolific grad student ever, or possibly the single greatest purveyor of procrastination known to man.

RE: Is possibly noteworthy possibly a bot?

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