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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Mad Neuroscience: Brain Implants Instead of Prozac. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Mad Neuroscience: Brain Implants Instead of Prozac
by Shannon at 11:52 am EDT, Jun 4, 2008

Brain implants are here, and they're making people happy. It'll probably still be a while before you can neurointerface directly with the internet or your friends and lovers, but psychologists are testing implantable brain 'pacemakers' that regulate brain activity and so far appear really useful for treating the most stubborn forms of depression. We reported earlier on the Soletra implant, but there are many more.

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