Enlightened Perl is an organization which is built around a movement within the Perl community. Its goals are complementary to the Perl Foundation. Specifically, we support certain Perl development efforts that ensure perl's future as an enterprise-grade development platform. Its aims are:
* To encourage the usage of the Perl programming language as a modern, high-level development platform.
* To promote, sponsor and enable the development of Perl modules, add-ons and restorative code that further such use of Perl.
* To collect and distribute appropriate funding and support that encourages this development.
* To provide general encouragement to the wider Perl community. To provide resources for the community in the manner of, but not restricted to or defined by, internet based sites, articles and code.
* To emphasize the concept of a Perl Enlightenment in the continuing development of the Perl community.
Used poorly, Perl is the worst language in widespread usage.