Introducing Twine.
The Smartest Way To Organize, Share and Discover Information About Your Interests.
Interest Networks
Twine is a new service that helps you organize, share and discover information about your interests, with networks of like-minded people. You can use Twine alone, with friends, groups and communities, or even in your company.
Twine Is Smart
Powered by semantic understanding, Twine automatically organizes information, learns about your interests and makes connections and recommendations. The more you use Twine, the better it understands your interests and the more useful it becomes.
Twine Ties it all Together
Organize. As you add information to Twine, it is automatically tagged so that you and others can find it more easily.
Share. Connect with individuals and groups, gather and share content, and engage in discussions around your interests.
Discover. Twine connects you with new people, content and products that match your interests, and also helps other people discover you and your contributions.
To see how Twine works, take our tour.
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