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RE: SHFF : Games : Dark Castle


RE: SHFF : Games : Dark Castle
by k at 6:26 pm EST, Feb 4, 2008

flynn23 wrote:

k wrote:

Return to Dark Castle

The third installment of the classic Dark Castle series is here for Mac users! Download your copy of Return to Dark Castle directly from this webpage!

I am so buying this as soon as it's out.

Sweet! Thanks!

Ironically, the original taught me how to use a disassembler (MacsBug) back in 1988 when I wanted to figure out how they were doing 'invisible sprites'.

My other fave is crystal quest, which I literally once played for over 30 hours straight.

Holy shit! I'd forgotten about CQ! Man that game was awesome. It got so damn hard on the later stages... I got silly good, but yeah, at the expense of so so so many hours. How could I have forgotten!?

Did you play The Fool's Errand? That was another of my absolute favorites...

RE: SHFF : Games : Dark Castle

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