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RE: Quotes at Work


RE: Quotes at Work
by dc0de at 6:16 pm EST, Nov 30, 2007

Acidus wrote:

JavaSteve: Sorry Billy, I'm positive you are wrong
Billy: ... ok, I didn't want to play this card, but everyone who has written a book on JavaScript, please raise their hand [Raises hand], ok then.
JavaSteve: oh now it's on!
Billy Go check Chapter 2 in the Rhino book and get back with me JavaSteve.

[5 minutes later]

JavaSteve: HA! You were wrong! ... ... It was Chapter 3, not Chapter 2!

People called Steve JavaSteve to differentiate him from Steve Millar and because JavaSteve works on our JavaScript parsers and interpreters. I asked JavaSteve once why no one called him JavaScriptSteve. He looked at me like I was an idiot.

Man, what a sophomoric error on your part billy... you should know your book chapter and verse, like i do with mine... err.. wait... nevermind... heh.

RE: Quotes at Work

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