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RE: Quotes at Work


RE: Quotes at Work
by schwarb at 4:35 pm EST, Nov 29, 2007

Acidus wrote:
Today in a meeting...

JavaSteve: Every variable is global in JavaScript
Billy: Thats not true, you can locally scope variables to functions using var
JavaSteve: No you can't. That's not what I've seen
Billy: JavaSteve, trust me, you can
JavaSteve: Sorry Billy, I'm positive you are wrong
Billy: ... ok, I didn't want to play this card, but everyone who has written a book on JavaScript, please raise there hand [Raises hand], ok then.
JavaSteve: oh now it's on!
Billy Go check Chapter 2 in the Rhino book and get back with me JavaSteve.

[5 minutes later]

JavaSteve: HA! You were wrong! ... ... It was Chapter 3, not Chapter 2!

Boy were you wrong Billy. Good luck next time.

RE: Quotes at Work

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