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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: U.N. Report Describes Risks of Inaction on Climate Change - New York Times. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

U.N. Report Describes Risks of Inaction on Climate Change - New York Times
by ubernoir at 6:49 am EST, Nov 17, 2007

In its final and most powerful report, a United Nations panel of scientists meeting here describes the mounting risks of climate change in language that is both more specific and forceful than its previous assessments, according to scientists here.
The panel presents several scenarios for the trajectory of emissions and climate change. In 2006, 8.4 gigatons of carbon were put into the atmosphere from fossil fuels, according to a study in the proceedings of the National Academy of Science, which was co-written by Dr. Klepper. That is almost identical to the panel’s worst case prediction for that year.

Likewise, a recent International Energy Agency report looking at the unexpectedly rapid emissions growth in China and India estimated that if current policies were not changed the world would warm six degrees by 2030,

RE: U.N. Report Describes Risks of Inaction on Climate Change - New York Times
by dc0de at 8:02 pm EST, Nov 18, 2007

ubernoir wrote:
six degrees by 2030,

Sweet! I spend way too much $$ heating my home now! bring on the heat! And I can't wait until California is gone, swept away by the rising tide.

RE: U.N. Report Describes Risks of Inaction on Climate Change - New York Times
by Rattle at 11:32 pm EST, Nov 18, 2007

Sweet! I spend way too much $$ heating my home now! bring on the heat! And I can't wait until California is gone, swept away by the rising tide.

I'll actually miss California.

At least some of California will still be there. Jersey is toast.

RE: U.N. Report Describes Risks of Inaction on Climate Change - New York Times
by ubernoir at 8:14 am EST, Nov 19, 2007

dc0de wrote:

ubernoir wrote:
six degrees by 2030,

Sweet! I spend way too much $$ heating my home now! bring on the heat! And I can't wait until California is gone, swept away by the rising tide.

lol you're a very bad man 8-)

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