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RE: Intels Andy Grove roasts the biomedical industry


RE: Intels Andy Grove roasts the biomedical industry
by flynn23 at 9:35 am EST, Nov 11, 2007

Decius wrote:

On Sunday afternoon, Grove is unleashing a scathing critique of the nation's biomedical establishment. In a speech at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, he challenges big pharma companies, many of which haven't had an important new compound approved in ages, and academic researchers who are content with getting NIH grants and publishing research papers with little regard to whether their work leads to something that can alleviate disease, to change their ways.

One suspects he has absolutely no idea what he is talking about.

That's because you'd be correct. Andy Grove is the embodiment of Dr. Elden Tyrell in Blade Runner. Old, rich, God complex, and completely out of touch with reality. I understand that you're old, rich, and worried about getting into heaven, but this isn't the path. If you wanted to shake things up, why not start a worldwide endeavor to unite all of the cancer research and focus that power (instead of what happens today, which is a million fiefdoms of research and fund raising which has a ridiculous overhead and even competes with itself). Instead, he comes off as a crackpot telling the kids to get off his lawn.

RE: Intels Andy Grove roasts the biomedical industry

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