Mike the Usurper wrote: And this is the sort of thing that passes for Serious Thought over on the right, I mean lunatic fringe.
Wonkette is claiming that this entire think tank has vanished of the Internet. That isn't true. They also conjecture that Woolsey must have used his CIA connections to get this document pulled out of Google's cache. That sounds just a few shades from talk of space aliens. I certainly don't take "Family Security Matters" seriously but I think they'd have the presence of mind not to openly call for a military overthrow of the Unites States Government. Without some evidence that this actually was written by the referenced author and actually posted on the website in question I have to say that occam's razor suggests an internet hoax. RE: Dept. Of It's Good To Be King: Beloved DC Think Tank Calls For Bush To Nuke Iraq and Become World Dictator |