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RE: Registration temporarily disabled


RE: Registration temporarily disabled
by Rattle at 10:04 am EDT, Oct 24, 2007

Since its a pretty brainy crowd here, would an invitation system enforce that 'exclusivity' in a... positive, suit guy marketing sense, and attract better posters?

I'm really not sure. I think that since new users would have to had some type of contact with someone else in the system to get on, they might be more likely to be drawn into a conversation on the system because of that contact..

I don't actually have a strong opinion about it. I'm kind of hoping that some discussion about it will help me come to some kind of strong opinion. :)

The main point I'm stuck on, is that it would be effective in eliminating the spammers. And if the spammers colluded, we would have everything we needed to remove them and whoever let them on the system.

RE: Registration temporarily disabled

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