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RE: What This Is About


RE: What This Is About
by flynn23 at 12:18 am EDT, Oct 16, 2007

noteworthy wrote:
This is certainly not an excuse. To highlight just one among countless things, the whole business with Gonzales at the hospital is profoundly disturbing. However, many of the deepest problems are systemic, and they aren't going to disappear magically in 463 days. Unless and until the process of government can be more than endless skirmishes between Team A and Team B, things aren't to improve markedly. It's a devil's choice; pick your poison.

It's not going to change. This might sound like extreme pessimism, but I just think of it as reality. When has a government sustainably acted for the good of its populace? Even though our flavor of 'democracy' is relatively young, it's starting to look gentrified in the face of current world trends. Our society has benefited greatly from the freedom, liberty, and opportunity that the original system provided. But it's complete and utter folly to think that this system was by any means truly any of those things to all people. Someone always gets screwed for someone else to benefit. Now that the world is collectively a much smaller place, with more and more people vying for fewer and fewer resources, this system is strained and its shortcomings are glaring. Besides, the truth always comes out in the end.

RE: What This Is About

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