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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: The Big Picture | Alan Greenspan on The Daily Show. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

The Big Picture | Alan Greenspan on The Daily Show
by Decius at 9:25 am EDT, Oct 12, 2007

Stewart: When you lower interest rates, it drives money to stocks and lowers the return people get on savings.

Greenspan: Yes, indeed.

RE: The Big Picture | Alan Greenspan on The Daily Show
by Stefanie at 12:44 pm EDT, Oct 12, 2007

Decius wrote:

Stewart: When you lower interest rates, it drives money to stocks and lowers the return people get on savings.

Greenspan: Yes, indeed.

Classic. :)

The Big Picture | Alan Greenspan on The Daily Show
by Lost at 5:36 am EDT, Oct 13, 2007

Greenspan: I was telling my colleagues the other day...I’d been dealing with these big mathematical models for forecasting the economy, and I’m looking at what’s going on the last few weeks and I say, “Y’know, if I could figure out a way to determine whether or not people are more fearful, or changing to euphoric... I don’t need any of this other stuff. I could forecast the economy better than any way I know. The trouble is, we can’t figure that out. I’ve been in the forecasting business for 50 years, and I’m no better than I ever was, and nobody else is either.”

Stewart: (Leans back in chair)...You just bummed the sh*t outta me!

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