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RE: A Retrospective on Grand Theft Auto


RE: A Retrospective on Grand Theft Auto
by w1ld at 2:53 pm EST, Nov 19, 2002

Jeremy wrote:
] Rattle wrote:
] ] ] Authorities say a teenager told them a video game about
] ] ] stealing cars inspired an auto theft spree involving
] ] ] about 100 vehicles.
] ] ]
] ] ] Nineteen-year-old Micah Zoerner of Somers, Wisconsin is
] ] ] charged with numerous counts of theft, burglary and auto
] ] ] theft. He's being held in lieu of a 15-thousand dollar
] ] ] cash bond.
] ] ]
] ] ] Detectives say he told them he'd been inspired by the
] ] ] video game "Grand Theft Auto."
] ]
] ] I love GTA4.
] Actually, it's called "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City". At
] least, I think that's what you and Micah are referring to.
] Surely he wasn't inspired by the very first Grand Theft
] Auto!
] To refresh our collective memory, I've linked here to a
] retrospective on Grand Theft Auto. The web site is
] very slow for me right now, but the article is worth a read if
] you're into the GTA series. This article was published back
] in September in anticipation of the release of "Vice City."
] Enjoy.

awesome. :)

RE: A Retrospective on Grand Theft Auto

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