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RE: A Retrospective on Grand Theft Auto


RE: A Retrospective on Grand Theft Auto
by Decius at 1:27 am EST, Nov 19, 2002

Rattle wrote:
] Yes! I feel I should be going off on some long rant about
] GTA. But the words to praise this fine game just elude me.
] I'm not a poet.

I have to say I sympathize with the person in this article. I got GTA recently, played it for about 30 minutes. Started a random brawl on the street and eneded up in a gun battle with the cops.

Then I had to drive to the store. It was only my respect for human life that held back the extreme urge to run all the red lights and kill a few pedestrians. Oh, I came so close...

Conclusion: Video Games are BAD BAD BAD for you. You should watch TV instead.

RE: A Retrospective on Grand Theft Auto

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