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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: A Retrospective on Grand Theft Auto. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

A Retrospective on Grand Theft Auto
by Jeremy at 7:01 pm EST, Nov 18, 2002

Rattle wrote:
] ] Authorities say a teenager told them a video game about
] ] stealing cars inspired an auto theft spree involving
] ] about 100 vehicles.
] ]
] ] Nineteen-year-old Micah Zoerner of Somers, Wisconsin is
] ] charged with numerous counts of theft, burglary and auto
] ] theft. He's being held in lieu of a 15-thousand dollar
] ] cash bond.
] ]
] ] Detectives say he told them he'd been inspired by the
] ] video game "Grand Theft Auto."
] I love GTA4.

Actually, it's called "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City". At least, I think that's what you and Micah are referring to.

Surely he wasn't inspired by the very first Grand Theft Auto!

To refresh our collective memory, I've linked here to a retrospective on Grand Theft Auto. The web site is very slow for me right now, but the article is worth a read if you're into the GTA series. This article was published back in September in anticipation of the release of "Vice City."


RE: A Retrospective on Grand Theft Auto
by Rattle at 7:10 pm EST, Nov 18, 2002

Jeremy wrote:
] ] I love GTA4.
] Actually, it's called "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City". At
] least, I think that's what you and Micah are referring to.

Whatever its called. GTA4, Vice City, etc.. I own it, I play it, and I love it.

I *LOVE* this game.

If I wasn't busy as hell, I would be locked in some dark room right now playing this game.

- nick

RE: A Retrospective on Grand Theft Auto
by Jeremy at 7:11 pm EST, Nov 18, 2002

Rattle wrote:
] Jeremy wrote:
] ] ] I love GTA4.
] ]
] ] Actually, it's called "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City". At
] ] least, I think that's what you and Micah are referring to.
] Whatever its called. GTA4, Vice City, etc.. I own it, I play
] it, and I love it.
] I *LOVE* this game.
] If I wasn't busy as hell, I would be locked in some dark room
] right now playing this game.
] - nick

Ditto to that!

RE: A Retrospective on Grand Theft Auto
by Rattle at 7:24 pm EST, Nov 18, 2002

Jeremy wrote:
] Ditto to that!

Yes! I feel I should be going off on some long rant about GTA. But the words to praise this fine game just elude me. I'm not a poet.

Damnit. Full immersion VR needs to happen.

- nick

RE: A Retrospective on Grand Theft Auto
by Decius at 1:27 am EST, Nov 19, 2002

Rattle wrote:
] Yes! I feel I should be going off on some long rant about
] GTA. But the words to praise this fine game just elude me.
] I'm not a poet.

I have to say I sympathize with the person in this article. I got GTA recently, played it for about 30 minutes. Started a random brawl on the street and eneded up in a gun battle with the cops.

Then I had to drive to the store. It was only my respect for human life that held back the extreme urge to run all the red lights and kill a few pedestrians. Oh, I came so close...

Conclusion: Video Games are BAD BAD BAD for you. You should watch TV instead.

RE: A Retrospective on Grand Theft Auto
by Rattle at 3:08 pm EST, Nov 19, 2002

Decius wrote:
] I have to say I sympathize with the person in this article. I
] got GTA recently, played it for about 30 minutes. Started a
] random brawl on the street and eneded up in a gun battle with
] the cops.

After you have about a good 72 solid non-stop hours of gameplay under your belt, you start to become a god of distruction and death.

] Then I had to drive to the store. It was only my respect for
] human life that held back the extreme urge to run all the red
] lights and kill a few pedestrians. Oh, I came so close...

As a friend of mind recently put it, GTA makes you "size things up differently."

] Conclusion: Video Games are BAD BAD BAD for you. You should
] watch TV instead.

No way. I have yet to come across a better outlet for general rage then GTA. Its the bomb diggity. And technically, you are watching TV while playing GTA. So your jest is in part, invalid. Phbtt.

btw.. The missions in the new GTA are alot better then GTA3. In partiular, I like how I pretty much go around slowly buying the town. Any game that lets me own my very own strip club, is a-ok in my book. Beats the hell out of the lemonaid stand my iic gave me..

- nick

RE: A Retrospective on Grand Theft Auto
by w1ld at 2:53 pm EST, Nov 19, 2002

Jeremy wrote:
] Rattle wrote:
] ] ] Authorities say a teenager told them a video game about
] ] ] stealing cars inspired an auto theft spree involving
] ] ] about 100 vehicles.
] ] ]
] ] ] Nineteen-year-old Micah Zoerner of Somers, Wisconsin is
] ] ] charged with numerous counts of theft, burglary and auto
] ] ] theft. He's being held in lieu of a 15-thousand dollar
] ] ] cash bond.
] ] ]
] ] ] Detectives say he told them he'd been inspired by the
] ] ] video game "Grand Theft Auto."
] ]
] ] I love GTA4.
] Actually, it's called "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City". At
] least, I think that's what you and Micah are referring to.
] Surely he wasn't inspired by the very first Grand Theft
] Auto!
] To refresh our collective memory, I've linked here to a
] retrospective on Grand Theft Auto. The web site is
] very slow for me right now, but the article is worth a read if
] you're into the GTA series. This article was published back
] in September in anticipation of the release of "Vice City."
] Enjoy.

awesome. :)

RE: A Retrospective on Grand Theft Auto
by godleva at 1:32 am EST, Mar 27, 2003

hey I went to school with this kid in junior high. He would flirt with me.I moved after 8th grade to missisippi and i moved back. I was do ing web find on old friends and like freaked when it was him. He didn't seem the type. you know what else is wierd my old best friens dad,brian wagner, is now the cheif of

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