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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Globalisation Institute - Brussels' most popular think tank website - Unbundling Microsoft Windows. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Globalisation Institute - Brussels' most popular think tank website - Unbundling Microsoft Windows
by ubernoir at 8:48 am EDT, Sep 25, 2007

Computers in the European Union should be sold without a bundled operating system, according to this submission to the European Commission. It says that the bundling of Microsoft Windows with computers is not in the public interest, and prevents meaningful competition in the operating system market.

ok here's a piece of heresy for you
would a market place full of competing OSs none of which had market dominance be good for computing?
no common platform
no standard API
would open standards and interoperability (which sounds wonderful) become reality or would we face a fragmented market with software vendors having to write x number of versions to run on a variety of OSs
now we have (please correct me if wrong software expert i am not) windows, macs and linux (solaris) and that's it
my question is basically
how practical is it to write one piece of software with an interface layer to plug into x OSs? (this is a genuine question not rhetorical because i'm genuinely interested in the answer)

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