A respected scholar and USC law professor reveals her journey through the horrors and demons of mental illness. She has schizophrenia.
Elyn Saks has written a memoir, The Center Cannot Hold: My Journey Through Madness, about which Publishers Weekly wrote: In this engrossing memoir, Saks, a professor of law and psychiatry at the University of Southern California, demonstrates a novelist's skill of creating character, dialogue and suspense. From her extraordinary perspective as both expert and sufferer (diagnosis: Chronic paranoid schizophrenia with acute exacerbation; prognosis: Grave), Saks carries the reader from the early little quirks to the full blown falling apart, flying apart, exploding psychosis. Schizophrenia rolls in like a slow fog, as Saks shows, becoming imperceptibly thicker as time goes on. This is heavy reading, but Saks's account will certainly stand out in its field.
Kirkus sums up its book review thusly: Worthy, but often a snooze.