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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: w00t!. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

by Decius at 10:10 am EDT, Aug 30, 2007

Someone sent me a link to this morning. I exclaimed that there is a special place in hell for the person who decided to use that domain for a commerical purpose. That hell involves having nothing to do but sit on efnet for millenia. Then I noticed the linked Thinkgeek page.

w00t belongs to gamers the world over. It seems to have been derived from the obselete 'whoot' which essentially is another way to say 'hoot' which itself is a shout or derisive laugh. But others maintain that w00t is the sound several players make while jumping like bunnies in Quake III. Still others want you to believe that it comes from the phrase 'wow loot' used in multiplayer RPGs many moons ago. And if you can believe it some folks even think it was derived from the gaming phrase, 'We Own the Other Team!' Fiction or fact? I suppose you'll just have to decide what 'w00t!' means to you...

Fiction you fucks. There is another special place in hell for people who think words like pwn and w00t are the recent inventions of multiplayer gamers. This word had become popular and then gone out of fashion long before Quake III was released. The first time I heard it was on efnet in a hacking related channel in 1992 or 1993. Its a combination of Woohoo and Root; as in "Woohoo, I got Root!"

Words like pwn and w00t are so obviously hacking related that its hard to understand why gamers would rationalize that they have something to do with quake. However, it is really interesting that these words have been appropriated by that scene and become extremely mainstream. When I saw Cartman say pwn on national television a few months ago I almost jumped out of my seat. I don't really know who invented the term, but that person is likely only one degree of separation from the folks who hang out at summercon.

RE: w00t!
by Hijexx at 4:32 pm EDT, Aug 30, 2007

Decius wrote:
Words like pwn and w00t are so obviously hacking related that its hard to understand why gamers would rationalize that they have something to do with quake. However, it is really interesting that these words have been appropriated by that scene and become extremely mainstream. When I saw Cartman say pwn on national television a few months ago I almost jumped out of my seat. I don't really know who invented the term, but that person is likely only one degree of separation from the folks who hang out at summercon.

I love that South Park episode. Best one ever.

What does pwn anyway? I've never understood that one. I had to have someone explain FTW recently. It still didn't make any sense to me.

Disclaimer: I have been "on-line" since 1983, so go easy on me hahaha... I just really don't get a lot of the lingo sometimes.

RE: w00t!
by Decius at 7:21 pm EDT, Aug 30, 2007

Hijexx wrote:

Decius wrote:
Words like pwn and w00t are so obviously hacking related that its hard to understand why gamers would rationalize that they have something to do with quake. However, it is really interesting that these words have been appropriated by that scene and become extremely mainstream. When I saw Cartman say pwn on national television a few months ago I almost jumped out of my seat. I don't really know who invented the term, but that person is likely only one degree of separation from the folks who hang out at summercon.

I love that South Park episode. Best one ever.

What does pwn anyway? I've never understood that one. I had to have someone explain FTW recently. It still didn't make any sense to me.

Disclaimer: I have been "on-line" since 1983, so go easy on me hahaha... I just really don't get a lot of the lingo sometimes.

It doesn't really make any sense out of context. Ultimately, the practical purpose of leet speak is to create inflections in text, so that deadpan writing in an channel takes on a tone of voice, and becomes more expressive.

Lets start with own. When you get root on a system you "own" it, as in take ownership of it. Someone might say "Dude, I owned you!" when they hacked into your machine, which is slightly more emotionally expressive than "I broke into your computer system."

As people spent more and more time on IRC and became more and more bored, leet speak, as it were, became more and more sarcastic, strange, and riddled with inside jokes layered upon each other. "Dude, I owned you" became "D00d3, EyE 0wn3d J00!" The more fucked up it was, the more funny it was in the eyes of 18 year old kids stoned out of their mind sitting in a chat room.

The J00, for example, is as in Jew, thus turning the statement into a double entendre where in addition to it's regular meaning its also a mildly racist joke, which is it self a reference to a whole series of such jokes that were delivered on #hack one night.

At some point owned became pwned. It might have started as a typo, because "p" is close to "o" and "0," but it was funny, mostly because it was fucked up, but still pronounceable. You would use it to accentuate owned. "EyE Pwn3d J00!" was slightly more emphatic than "EyE Own3d J00!"

RE: w00t!
by ryan is the supernicety at 11:49 pm EDT, Aug 30, 2007 has been around for years. It's been in my rss reader since I've had a rss reader. probably five to seven years at this point.

Decius wrote:
Someone sent me a link to this morning. I exclaimed that there is a special place in hell for the person who decided to use that domain for a commerical purpose. That hell involves having nothing to do but sit on efnet for millenia. Then I noticed the linked Thinkgeek page.

w00t belongs to gamers the world over. It seems to have been derived from the obselete 'whoot' which essentially is another way to say 'hoot' which itself is a shout or derisive laugh. But others maintain that w00t is the sound several players make while jumping like bunnies in Quake III. Still others want you to believe that it comes from the phrase 'wow loot' used in multiplayer RPGs many moons ago. And if you can believe it some folks even think it was derived from the gaming phrase, 'We Own the Other Team!' Fiction or fact? I suppose you'll just have to decide what 'w00t!' means to you...

Fiction you fucks. There is another special place in hell for people who think words like pwn and w00t are the recent inventions of multiplayer gamers. This word had become popular and then gone out of fashion long before Quake III was released. The first time I heard it was on efnet in a hacking related channel in 1992 or 1993. Its a combination of Woohoo and Root; as in "Woohoo, I got Root!"

Words like pwn and w00t are so obviously hacking related that its hard to understand why gamers would rationalize that they have something to do with quake. However, it is really interesting that these words have been appropriated by that scene and become extremely mainstream. When I saw Cartman say pwn on national television a few months ago I almost jumped out of my seat. I don't really know who invented the term, but that person is likely only one degree of separation from the folks who hang out at summercon.

RE: w00t!
by Decius at 8:51 am EDT, Aug 31, 2007

ryan is the supernicety wrote: has been around for years. It's been in my rss reader since I've had a rss reader. probably five to seven years at this point.

Oh, I know, the link that was sent to me was for a specific deal. It was just an occasion to bitch about the whole thing in general.

RE: w00t!
by dc0de at 4:39 pm EDT, Aug 31, 2007

Decius wrote:
Someone sent me a link to this morning. I exclaimed that there is a special place in hell for the person who decided to use that domain for a commerical purpose. That hell involves having nothing to do but sit on efnet for millenia. Then I noticed the linked Thinkgeek page.

Fiction you fucks. There is another special place in hell for people who think words like pwn and w00t are the recent inventions of multiplayer gamers. This word had become popular and then gone out of fashion long before Quake III was released. The first time I heard it was on efnet in a hacking related channel in 1992 or 1993. Its a combination of Woohoo and Root; as in "Woohoo, I got Root!"

Words like pwn and w00t are so obviously hacking related that its hard to understand why gamers would rationalize that they have something to do with quake. However, it is really interesting that these words have been appropriated by that scene and become extremely mainstream. When I saw Cartman say pwn on national television a few months ago I almost jumped out of my seat. I don't really know who invented the term, but that person is likely only one degree of separation from the folks who hang out at summercon.

I completely agree...

by I Love Lamp at 10:37 am EDT, Aug 30, 2007

Someone sent me a link to this morning. I exclaimed that there is a special place in hell for the person who decided to use that domain for a commerical purpose. That hell involves having nothing to do but sit on efnet for millenia. Then I noticed the linked Thinkgeek page.

w00t belongs to gamers the world over. It seems to have been derived from the obselete 'whoot' which essentially is another way to say 'hoot' which itself is a shout or derisive laugh. But others maintain that w00t is the sound several players make while jumping like bunnies in Quake III. Still others want you to believe that it comes from the phrase 'wow loot' used in multiplayer RPGs many moons ago. And if you can believe it some folks even think it was derived from the gaming phrase, 'We Own the Other Team!' Fiction or fact? I suppose you'll just have to decide what 'w00t!' means to you...

Fiction you fucks. There is another special place in hell for people who think words like pwn and w00t are the recent inventions of multiplayer gamers. This word had become popular and then gone out of fashion long before Quake III was released. The first time I heard it was on efnet in a hacking related channel in 1992 or 1993. Its a combination of Woohoo and Root; as in "Woohoo, I got Root!"

Words like pwn and w00t are so obviously hacking related that its hard to understand why gamers would rationalize that they have something to do with quake. However, it is really interesting that these words have been appropriated by that scene and become extremely mainstream. When I saw Cartman say pwn on national television a few months ago I almost jumped out of my seat. I don't really know who invented the term, but that person is likely only one degree of separation from the folks who hang out at summercon.

I freaking hate those Summercon idiots. Nothing but a bunch of drunks imho.

Also, I believe gamers made up the ';)', typing and the internet (with the help of al gore).

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