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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Customer at Market in Springfield Cuts Off His Hand. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Customer at Market in Springfield Cuts Off His Hand
by noteworthy at 8:27 pm EDT, Aug 28, 2007

This story is over a year old, but for some reason the New Yorker decided to mention it last week. I now pass it along to you.

Igbal Asghar reached across the counter at Super Halal Meat market and passed two butchered chickens to the man with the familiar face. Then he ducked into the walk-in freezer to fetch the customer's second order, goat meat.

When the butcher stepped out seconds later, the customer's severed left hand lay on the floor by the meat saw, Asghar said. The customer ran down the Springfield store's center aisle and into the front parking lot, leaving a trail of blood and yelling repeatedly that he was "not a terrorist." Outside, another witness said, the man announced that he had used the meat saw to cut off his hand "for Allah."

If you are in the general area, I recommend Kabob Palace in Crystal City. I have eaten there more than once and have never seen anyone leave the restaurant without their left hand. Or their right hand, for that matter.

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