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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Einstein Drains Baby Brains. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Einstein Drains Baby Brains
by possibly noteworthy at 11:02 pm EDT, Aug 8, 2007

Baby Einstein makes you stupid! Science says so.

Buyer beware: Videos aimed at improving infant and toddler language skills are not as beneficial for language learning as they claim to be, according to a new study.

Rather than helping youngsters, such products may actually hurt their vocabularies.

Watch out for sharp edges on DVDs!

Update: Full text of the paper, Associations between Media Viewing and Language Development in Children Under Age 2 Years, is freely available.

Einstein Drains Baby Brains
by Dagmar at 8:59 am EDT, Aug 9, 2007

Baby Einstein makes you stupid! Science says so.

Buyer beware: Videos aimed at improving infant and toddler language skills are not as beneficial for language learning as they claim to be, according to a new study.

Rather than helping youngsters, such products may actually hurt their vocabularies.

Watch out for sharp edges on DVDs!

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