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O'Neill, Lindsey didnt meet the test


O'Neill, Lindsey didnt meet the test
by w1ld at 5:35 pm EST, Dec 6, 2002

] "First came word Friday that the jobless rate had risen
] to a nine-year high of 6 percent. The last time it was
] that high America was in a recession. Now Mr. Bush has
] apparently requested the resignation of Mr. O%u2019Neill
] and Mr. Lindsey. What%u2019s up?"
]There had been some rumblings that was coming. Sen. Richard
]Shelby, the Republican incoming chairman of the banking
] committee, had urged the White House not to rush into it. But
] this president now has three major appointments that he must
] make — his secretary of the Treasury, his chief economic
] adviser and head of SEC.

O'Neill, Lindsey didnt meet the test

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