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RE: The best things in life


RE: The best things in life
by skullaria at 5:58 pm EDT, Jul 20, 2007

I used to have the kind of job where I'd spend 70% of my time in meetings with people I really didn't even like much. After I counted every ceiling tile in every room, every piece of paneling, every painting, knew how often the patterns repeated on the wallpaper...I started keeping inventories of other people's clothes. Mainly men's ties, women's purses, and everyone's shoes.
There was this one lady and at the start of every meeting, I'd make a mental note of which direction her nipples were pointing. I liked it best when they went in opposite directions. She had 5 pair of work shoes that she rotated. One doctor only wore ties he bought at museums.

I understand.

RE: The best things in life

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