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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: The best things in life. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

The best things in life
by Acidus at 12:06 pm EDT, Jul 20, 2007

The only thing better than an hour long benefits presentations is a two hour long benefits presentations.

Please explain to me *how* the $30 spousal fee is deduced from each pay period. Whats that, You withdrawl it from my paycheck? I'm not sure I understand, please explain it to me again. For 5 minutes. In excruciating detail. I only graduated on the Dean's List from one of the top five engineering schools in the country, so please, waste some more of my relatively unimportant time.

RE: The best things in life
by Dr. Nanochick at 12:17 pm EDT, Jul 20, 2007

Acidus wrote:
The only thing better than an hour long benefits presentations is a two hour long benefits presentations.

Please explain to me *how* the $30 spousal fee is deduced from each pay period. Whats that, You withdrawl it from my paycheck? I'm not sure I understand, please explain it to me again. For 5 minutes. In excruciating detail. I only graduated on the Dean's List from one of the top five engineering schools in the country, so please, waste some more of my relatively unimportant time.

Yes...meetings suck....or, as I like to call them, the anti-work.

RE: The best things in life
by skullaria at 5:58 pm EDT, Jul 20, 2007

I used to have the kind of job where I'd spend 70% of my time in meetings with people I really didn't even like much. After I counted every ceiling tile in every room, every piece of paneling, every painting, knew how often the patterns repeated on the wallpaper...I started keeping inventories of other people's clothes. Mainly men's ties, women's purses, and everyone's shoes.
There was this one lady and at the start of every meeting, I'd make a mental note of which direction her nipples were pointing. I liked it best when they went in opposite directions. She had 5 pair of work shoes that she rotated. One doctor only wore ties he bought at museums.

I understand.

RE: The best things in life
by Decius at 6:05 pm EDT, Jul 20, 2007

Acidus wrote:
The only thing better than an hour long benefits presentations is a two hour long benefits presentations.

Please explain to me *how* the $30 spousal fee is deduced from each pay period. Whats that, You withdrawl it from my paycheck? I'm not sure I understand, please explain it to me again. For 5 minutes. In excruciating detail. I only graduated on the Dean's List from one of the top five engineering schools in the country, so please, waste some more of my relatively unimportant time.

Welcome to corporate america dude. Just wait until you find out about their policy on Blogging.... Also, I wanted to remind you that next Friday is Hawaian shirt day. So, if you want, you can go ahead and wear a Hawaian shirt and jeans.

RE: The best things in life
by Yeager at 10:09 am EDT, Jul 21, 2007

Amen dude, that meeting was terrible. At least I was on the phone and could do a billion other things in those 2 hours... but I still can't figure out about that $30 fee. Why are they making us pay a fee if we have a spouse? This will be an interesting ride...

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