This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Glenn Greenwald - Salon. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.
Glenn Greenwald - Salon by Mike the Usurper at 7:27 pm EDT, Jul 3, 2007 |
Fred Thompson -- made exoneration of this convicted felon one of his principal missions over the last two years. And he does so while running around spitting out tough and righteous sermons about the need to restore the "rule of law": "It is a sad irony that a nation that is so dedicated to the rule of law is doing so much to undermine the respect for it," he said in the very same speech where he urged Libby's pardon. One of the prime defenders of Lewis Libby has the audacity to say such things with a straight face because he knows how broken our political and media institutions are.
Greenwald does a nice job boiling down just how screwed up the political right is. |
Glenn Greenwald - Salon by Decius at 10:55 am EDT, Jul 4, 2007 |
Fred Thompson -- made exoneration of this convicted felon one of his principal missions over the last two years. And he does so while running around spitting out tough and righteous sermons about the need to restore the "rule of law": "It is a sad irony that a nation that is so dedicated to the rule of law is doing so much to undermine the respect for it," he said in the very same speech where he urged Libby's pardon. One of the prime defenders of Lewis Libby has the audacity to say such things with a straight face because he knows how broken our political and media institutions are.
I found this article interesting because it involves Fred Thompson expressing an opinion and being hypocritical about it. |