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by Jamie at 4:02 pm EDT, Sep 13, 2005

terratogen wrote:

ibenez wrote:

terratogen wrote:

ibenez wrote:

Bush: 'I take responsibility'


This guy always takes the moral high ground. Impressive.

Taking responsibility would require him to make up for the damage he's responsible for. If that is not possible, he should resign.

Sure. The fact of the matter is that he is openly claming responsibility for the (lack of) federal response. That is impressive. Show me ONE democrat who has ever done that.. .

Oh wait.. that's right, BJ Clinton accepted responsibility for lying under oath and cheating on his wife and disgracing the oval office.

There's a difference between admitting guilt and doing something about it. Saying "Yeah, it was me" would only be an honorable thing to say if you would also accept responsibility and took what ever repercussions you deserve for your mistakes. Otherwise, the attitude of "Yeah I did it... What you gonna do about it?!!" is hardly the moral high ground. Bill Clinton disgraced the oval office with a blow job... and he was fired for his mistake. When your fuck up includes causing thousands of deaths, maybe jail time for manslaughter might be appropriate in addition to being shit canned.

Face it, a conservative, espcially Bush can do NO right in your eyes.

First let's put BJ Clinton in jail for lying to a judge, then I'll consider Bush.


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