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RE: International Panic Day - June 18th


RE: International Panic Day - June 18th
by Decius at 12:45 pm EDT, Jun 18, 2007

Rattle wrote:

This is such a pre-9/11 mentality. These days, everyday is panic day.

This holiday should be treated as a weekend thing really. Truly intense and satisfying panic does not fit into a 24 hour time window. It's really something that should follow a solid 72 hour arc that includes very little sleep and a ton of self induced strife..

In the future, I propose this be a three-day weekend.

Since it's Monday, and we missed the boat.. What do you say we do a test run of International Panic Week this upcoming weekend in NYC? I think it sounds like a great idea.

Don't worry, I'll come up with a way to induce panic.

That post-9/11 enough for you?

Given the bunch that will be on hand up there this weekend, frankly, thats enough to make me consider changing my flight... :)

RE: International Panic Day - June 18th

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