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MemeStreams Discussion


This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: MAJOR SPAMMER ARRESTED!. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

by Dagmar at 6:44 am EDT, May 31, 2007

I begin to think that what we need is a new topic called simply "Orgasms" because I just can't describe how ecstatic I am that the following has happened...

Robert Allen Soloway has been arrested in Seattle, Washington after being indicted on charges of (but which will probably ultimately not be limited to):

* Identity Theft
* Money Laundering
* Mail, Wire, and E-Mail Fraud

He has targeted personally for harassment the people who have called him out for his business practices, up to and including trying to astroturf others as being responsible for his spamming. He had moved his operations overseas to use China to hide his activities. The things he was spamming for weren't even legal most of the time, let alone being in near-perpetual violation of CAN-SPAM. I could expound on the morally reprehensible things this man has done over the years, but it would just seem a drop in the bucket compared to what comes up when you Google his name.

This man is going to jail, do not pass go, do not collect 200 email addresses.

...and that almost makes me need to go change my shorts.

by Catonic at 9:31 pm EDT, May 31, 2007

Dagmar wrote:
I begin to think that what we need is a new topic called simply "Orgasms" because I just can't describe how ecstatic I am that the following has happened...

Robert Allen Soloway has been arrested in Seattle, Washington after being indicted on charges of (but which will probably ultimately not be limited to):

* Identity Theft
* Money Laundering
* Mail, Wire, and E-Mail Fraud

He has targeted personally for harassment the people who have called him out for his business practices, up to and including trying to astroturf others as being responsible for his spamming. He had moved his operations overseas to use China to hide his activities. The things he was spamming for weren't even legal most of the time, let alone being in near-perpetual violation of CAN-SPAM. I could expound on the morally reprehensible things this man has done over the years, but it would just seem a drop in the bucket compared to what comes up when you Google his name.

This man is going to jail, do not pass go, do not collect 200 email addresses.

...and that almost makes me need to go change my shorts.

Death by spoon? Please?!

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