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RE: Venezuela replaces opposition TV with state network| Reuters


RE: Venezuela replaces opposition TV with state network| Reuters
by Dagmar at 11:40 pm EDT, May 28, 2007

Decius wrote:
Of course, the rationalizations have already begun. Apparently when thousands of people hit the streets to protest and end up in clashes with police over views we support, its because the people are being denied a voice and the police are involved in a conspiracy with the evil men who control the world, but when thousands of people hit the streets to protest and end up in clashes with police over views we don't support, its because they've been manipulated by millionaires and the police were forced to respond because the protestors were violent.

You know, I can't help but see parallels here between continuous editing of stories on CNNHN to make them more friendly to the current administration, and, you know, the whole "designated free speech zones" thing.

RE: Venezuela replaces opposition TV with state network| Reuters

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