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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: YouTube - ABC of Sex Education for Trainable Persons (1975). You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

YouTube - ABC of Sex Education for Trainable Persons (1975)
by Catonic at 11:15 pm EDT, May 26, 2007

1970s film explaining how to teach "trainable persons" about sex. NSFW, of course (and you already clicked play, didn't you?)

20 minutes. Of course, I didn't watch all of it.

RE: YouTube - ABC of Sex Education for Trainable Persons (1975)
by Hijexx at 12:27 pm EDT, May 27, 2007

Catonic wrote:
1970s film explaining how to teach "trainable persons" about sex. NSFW, of course (and you already clicked play, didn't you?)

20 minutes. Of course, I didn't watch all of it.

This is included on the DVD "The Educational Archives, Vol. 1 - Sex & Drugs." Lots of classic stuff on that DVD.

RE: YouTube - ABC of Sex Education for Trainable Persons (1975)
by Shannon at 3:26 pm EDT, May 27, 2007

Catonic wrote:
1970s film explaining how to teach "trainable persons" about sex. NSFW, of course (and you already clicked play, didn't you?)

20 minutes. Of course, I didn't watch all of it.

I have the DVD. It came in a lunchbox.

RE: YouTube - ABC of Sex Education for Trainable Persons (1975)
by skullaria at 9:25 pm EDT, May 28, 2007

Catonic wrote:
1970s film explaining how to teach "trainable persons" about sex. NSFW, of course (and you already clicked play, didn't you?)

20 minutes. Of course, I didn't watch all of it.

I have the DVD. It came in a lunchbox.

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