"To be honest, I don’t know much about Tennessee Tech but we’ve heard nothing but good things."
But it's also been a divisive distraction in the city, and one that is ---- if we're to be completely honest ---- unlikely to change a darn thing.
It’s time to be honest with Tennesseans and admit that we can fund education this year AND cut the sales tax on groceries.
"We've heard nothing but good things about the Mellow Mushroom, and we're glad they're coming to town."
Attorney General Gonzales, who is the person who should be resigning, had nothing but good things to say about McNulty.
Lindsay Lohan is getting rave reviews for her acting in ‘Georgia Rule’ and the producers of the film have nothing but good things to say about the actress.
An 11-year-old female should hear nothing but good things about her appearance, even if it is not 100 percent accurate.
People lucky enough to have seen test screenings earlier this year have nothing but good things to say about the film. Expect this movie to jump the shark.
Try your hand at running teams and building companies. If you’re good at it, the money will come. Making big money is not much of a life goal. "I typically find rich people boring, to be honest," he said.
Holly, conceding something in her answer, said, "I'm not going to be honest with you, so I'll say myself."
He blamed his behaviour on the death of his beloved mother, Lesley, in 1997, saying: "I know I have a very self-destructive tendency since my mother died, I have got to be honest."
To be honest, Greg, I’m still not sure I understand why Pam left with Roy that night. But I digress.
From time to time Suzanne comes up with ideas. She's a master at tracking down weird and important stuff on the internet. She passes tips on to me and (if they are good) I use them and take full cre... [ Read More (2.2k in body) ]