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RE: Hooked on Violence - New York Times


RE: Hooked on Violence - New York Times
by Decius at 11:04 am EDT, Apr 26, 2007

adam wrote:

Those who are interested in the safety and well-being of children should keep in mind that only motor vehicle accidents and cancer kill more children in the U.S. than firearms. A study released a few years ago by the Harvard School of Public Health compared firearm mortality rates among youngsters 5 to 14 years old in the five states with the highest rates of gun ownership with those in the five states with the lowest rates.

The results were chilling. Children in the states with the highest rates of gun ownership were 16 times as likely to die from an accidental gunshot wound, nearly seven times as likely to commit suicide with a gun, and more than three times as likely to be murdered with a firearm.

Only a lunatic could seriously believe that more guns in more homes is good for America’s children.

They are 7 times more likely to commit suicide ***with a gun,*** the question is, are they 7 times more likely to commit suicide? They are 3 times more likely to by murdered ***with a gun,*** but are they 3 times as likely to be murdererd?

RE: Hooked on Violence - New York Times

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