adam wrote: Those who are interested in the safety and well-being of children should keep in mind that only motor vehicle accidents and cancer kill more children in the U.S. than firearms. A study released a few years ago by the Harvard School of Public Health compared firearm mortality rates among youngsters 5 to 14 years old in the five states with the highest rates of gun ownership with those in the five states with the lowest rates. The results were chilling. Children in the states with the highest rates of gun ownership were 16 times as likely to die from an accidental gunshot wound, nearly seven times as likely to commit suicide with a gun, and more than three times as likely to be murdered with a firearm. Only a lunatic could seriously believe that more guns in more homes is good for America’s children.
absolutely but america will never disarm how many Wacos would there be if the attempt was made
I'm genuinely having trouble these days reconciling my love for this country with my disdain for so many of the people in it. I'm cynical enough to believe that it's probably not that much better anywhere else, but maybe it'll be different enough to fool me for a while. Articles like this should get people thinking but instead it will be absorbed as gratifying pabulum for the people that agree and completely dismissed by the people that don't (after all, it's from the Yankee, beholden-to-the-liberal-agenda New York Times). RE: Hooked on Violence - New York Times |