Violence in Baghdad was modest on Tuesday, with several people wounded by mortar shells and gunshots. However, 25 bodies were found. In Ramadi, in Anbar Province, security forces found 17 bodies buried at a primary school.
More than 200,000 people have died in Darfur and 2.3 million have been uprooted from their homes, largely by repeated attacks from Arab militias supported and equipped by the Sudanese government.
If a band remakes the song after it has ended its contract, it can retain ownership of the new version and license it itself without having to share the rewards with the record label. Now two of the musicians behind the band Wang Chung have hatched a plan that might seem even more absurd than the lyric "everybody Wang Chung tonight." More than two decades after the song "Everybody Have Fun Tonight" became a smash hit, they are recording it again.
"We have intercepted weapons in Afghanistan headed for the Taliban that were made in Iran," General Pace told reporters.
A few more billion won’t draw that much attention from Congress or taxpayers.
"We heard the much-ballyhooed spring offensive that the insurgents were going to make, and if there is an offensive -- I am confident, I say and believe -- we were first out of the block. What we did in effect was launch a spoiling attack."
"In some ways, the drag from housing is still ahead of us."
"We believe that downtown L.A. is for real and not just a flash-in-the-pan trend."
It starts in a mysterious room where a shaman figure known as the Alchemist undresses blond female twins, removes their false fingernails and jewelry and shaves their heads.
"It’s funny, it’s silly, the ridiculousness of having asked so much of celebrity."
"Moral exhortation doesn’t change people’s behavior. Prices do."
... antimissile missiles that might not work, to guard against ... [ Read More (0.6k in body) ]