"No fighter pilot is ever going to pick up a girl at a bar by saying he flies a UAV."
How do you persuade a grown man to get circumcised?
If you’re out of caviar, use a slightly bent pickle.
Now you can access every last drop of mayonnaise!
"I added that third, green tube for fun. The higher you turn it up, the more it bounces up and down."
"I saw bodies eaten by fire." "I noticed many dead bodies of women and children, including a totally burned body of a child. He was no more than 5 years old."
"The behavior of Iraqi security forces was uncivil," said the spokesman, Ahmed Al-Shakarji. "People were trying to rescue their relatives and friends ... but the security forces opened fire on them."
Unlike the Banana War, the Vodka War is strictly a civil war.
"Their insides were all coming out," said Noor Islam, 22. "We were very upset."
"No one wants to sit by and see mass killing," Hillary said.
"I have no Plan B," Mr. McCain said.
"What keeps me awake?" he asked recently. "Car keys."
So, w... [ Read More (2.9k in body) ]