Rattle wrote:
Kurt Vonnegut, the satirical novelist who captured the absurdity of war and questioned the advances of science in darkly humorous works such as "Slaughterhouse-Five" and "Cat's Cradle," died Wednesday. He was 84.
Vonnegut is someone that the attendees of the University of Iowa have a rather odd attachment to. On the north side of Iowa City there is a place referred to as the Vonnegut house and every year about May Day, they host a huge party there and in the field just east of it. I couldn't tell you anymore if he had lived there or owned it or what, nor could I say if it still happens, but for those who went, the Vonnegut party was always the best of the year. So a drink for Mr Vonnegut! RE: Kurt Vonnegut Dies at 84 - washingtonpost.com |